Terms and conditions for 「IDD007HD」:
1. Rate for each 「IDD007 HD」 minute will be charged 2 times the IDD
rate of the registered
service plan (including: Free Minutes ; Monthly Plan Package
Minutes and Usage Plan
Minutes) .
2. 「IDD007HD」service does not include in Call Forward Roaming and
Global Direct .
3. Calls are billed on a per-minute basis and rounded up to
nearest ten cents in Hong Kong
dollar .
4. Customer is not allowed to resell the service. HKBNES(HK)
reserves the right to terminate the
service immediately should there be abnormal
usage of the service by the customer .
5. 「IDD007HD」is provided in accordance with
the General Terms and Conditions of
HKBN Enterprise Solutions HK Limited, please visit our website at
http://cm007.hkbnes.net for details.